Managing social housing requires in-depth knowledge of the legal framework to deal effectively with the whole range of landlord and tenant issues.
If you’re a registered social landlord or run a housing co-operative, you’ll know that strong and thorough legal advice is the key to managing tenancies. So you’ll need advisers who understand the complex legal environment of social housing inside out, and who can help you set up a management system that works for you and all your tenants. All our advice is geared towards helping you manage your property effectively and efficiently, so you can provide the sort of service that keeps your tenants happy.
Whether you have hundreds of properties or just the one, we have the skills and experience you need. We deal with landlord and tenant issues everyday, so we know exactly what sort of issues you face. We also have specialist legal teams to help with related matters such as tax and employment.
We find that properly drafted tenancy agreements are the best starting point for good property management. You’ll also need strong procedures for dealing with any issues that may crop up including:
Occasionally, you will have to handle disputes with tenants. We can help you take legal action to resolve the situation. The sort of issues we can advise you on are:
If you want to find out more, speak with one of our commercial property team.
Our specialist lawyers are based in:
But we can help you wherever you are in England and Wales.
Partner, Commercial Property
Bishop's Stortford office
Associate, Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Brentwood office
Executive Partner, Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Bishop's Stortford office
Associate, Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Chelmsford office
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