Wealth management

Planning ahead: learn about types of pensions

Your guide to retirement planning

Pensions can be complicated because there are different types of pensions, and different rules that govern them, plus also lots of options for what you can do with a pension when you want to use the money. It’s worth understanding the main concepts so that you can make choices that could have a significant impact on the quality of your retirement. Before making any decisions about pensions, you should always consult an independent financial adviser.

On this page:

What are the different types of pensions? 

There are three major pension options and most people fund their retirement through a combination of one, two or all three of these types.

Private pensions

Also known as ‘defined contribution’ or ‘money purchase’ pensions, you pay part of your earnings into a pension fund, which your provider invests. The final amount depends on your contributions, fund performance, fees, and how you withdraw the money.

State pension

A weekly payment (£203.85) paid from age 66, gradually increasing to 67 and 68 depending on your birth date. To qualify, you need at least 10 years of National Insurance contributions (NICs), with 35 years required for the full amount.

Workplace pensions

Provided by your employer, a portion of your salary is automatically deducted and topped up by employer contributions and government tax relief, unless you opt out.

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How to make your workplace pension better for the future?

You could do the following:

  • Review your fund choices: Adjust your investments based on your risk tolerance. Many providers offer tools to help assess your risk profile.
  • Consolidate pensions: Transfer existing pensions into your workplace pension to simplify management and boost its value. You can often do this directly or with financial advice.
  • Increase contributions: Consider raising your contribution percentage with your employer or HR. Basic rate taxpayers get 20% tax relief, while higher-rate taxpayers get 40%. Salary sacrifice is also an option.

For help, contact your pension provider or a financial adviser. You typically receive tax relief on all contributions up to annual and lifetime limits.

Is there a limit on how much I can pay into a pension?  

You can contribute as much as you like to your pension, but the amount of tax relief you can claim is limited. For the 2023-24 tax year, the Annual Allowance is £60,000 or 100% of your earnings, whichever is lower. If you've used up your current Annual Allowance, you may be able to carry forward unused allowances from the previous three years, provided you were a member of a pension scheme during that time.

For higher earners with a taxable income over £200,000, the Tapered Annual Allowance reduces the amount of tax-relievable contributions. If you've flexibly accessed your pension, the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA) applies, limiting contributions to £10,000 per year from April 2023.

When can I access my pension? 

Pension freedoms introduced in 2015 allow you greater flexibility in how you can access certain pension pots from age 55; this will increase to 57 from 6th April 2028.  This greater flexibility gives more options but is only available on certain types of pensions and you should seek advice to assess what your specific options are.  

How we can help 

Our advisers simplify your options and tailor a plan based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and tax position.

So, if you would like to discuss your pension options and retirement planning, do get in touch. We are only a phone call away. You can be sure that all our advice and recommendations will be focused on getting you the best possible result. 

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Chat to the Author, Kieron Willis

Senior Wealth Planner, Wealth Management, Bishop's Stortford office

Meet Kieron
Kieron Willis, senior wealth adviser in Bishops Stortford
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