Using equity release to move to a new home

Lucy & Max Ford

  • Married
  • Aged 65 and 68
  • Retired
  • Current house value: £270,000

Average value of a property by the sea: £350,000

Require: £80,000

Maximum loan-to-value: 30%, release 23.14%, joint applicants, lump sum

Lucy and Max’s story:

Lucy and Max have always dreamt of living in a village near the coast. Their children have moved away and reside around the UK, so they have no ties to where they currently live. They have no residential mortgage on their property and have a potential buyer lined up.

Properties by the sea attract a premium, and a two-bedroom home costs a further £80,000. 

Their primary income is from their pensions, and they would struggle to meet the affordability requirements of a standard or RIO (Retirement Interest Only) mortgage. What little savings they have, they want to preserve to spend on the new property.

Trading up

Using a lifetime mortgage to supplement the purchase can enable customers to buy properties outside their reach and achieve their retirement dreams.

Lucy and Max select a Lifetime Mortgage.

The maximum loan-to-value available for Lucy and Max’s age range is 30%.

They release a lump-sum of £80,000 (23.14% LTV). 

They could access the remaining equity later as a further advance, potentially for care costs in the future.

How it works

Once Lucy and Max have secured a buyer for their existing home and settled on the property they would like to buy, they would simultaneously complete on the new house and release funds from the lifetime mortgage, enabling them to fund the price difference.

Lifetime mortgage features:

  • Guaranteed no negative equity
  • Optional monthly repayments
  • Client retains ownership of the property

Things to consider:

  • Downsizing and other forms of finance should be considered
  • Compound interest roll-up if chosen
  • Early repayment charges
  • Long-term care and state benefits considerations
  • A lifetime mortgage may impact the inheritance you leave

Thinking about equity release?

It is important to consider all options before applying for equity release. Speak to one of our wealth specialists, Toni Chalmers-Smith or Senior Associate Solicitor Catherine Banks at Tees today.

 *Examples of customer scenarios only. Every case will be different—scenario based on 2023 figures.

This material is intended for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. It is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for accounting, legal or tax advice. Some information quoted was obtained from external sources we consider to be reliable.

Tees is a trading name of Tees Financial Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Its registered number is 211314.

Tees Financial Limited is registered in England and Wales, registered number 4342506. 

Chat to the Author, Catherine Banks

Senior Associate, Residential Property, Bishop's Stortford office

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