Surgeon Yaser Jabbar: Patient ‘G’s case of Medical Negligence

This is the story of Patient 'G', a teenager whose life has been severely impacted by the substandard care and questionable practices of surgeon Mr Yaser Jabbar, who worked at the renowned Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London.

The harrowing experience of Patient 'G' sheds light on the systemic failures that allowed such negligent care to persist, and the fight for justice and accountability.

Yaser Jabbar's Troubled Tenure at GOSH

Mr Yaser Jabbar, a 43-year-old surgeon, joined the orthopaedic department at GOSH in June 2017, quickly making a name for himself as a specialist in complex leg-straightening and lengthening procedures.  Dubbed the "frame guy" by his colleagues, Jabbar became known for his work with children suffering from congenital limb deformities.

However, beneath the surface, concerns about Mr Jabbar's practice began to emerge. Colleagues raised concerns about his “cavalier” approach to unexpected complications and his tendency to dismiss or even hide these issues, raising serious questions about patient safety under his care.

The Troubling Case of Patient 'G'

Patient 'G' was born with VACTERL association, a genetic condition that affects the formation of the bones and organs in utero. He suffers from a radial club hand deformity with thumb hypoplasia, which affects the bones of his hand, radius and ulna. They were referred to GOSH in February 2017 at the age of nine, to explore surgical options to straighten and lengthen his left arm and wrist, with the hopes of improving the cosmetic appearance.

'G' was initially seen by Mr Jabbar in January 2020 and later again in February 2020 and April 2021.  Unfortunately, these appointments were marked by a lack of detailed medical history-taking or clear communication about the proposed surgical plan and its risks and benefits.

The Flawed Surgery

In June 2021, 'G' underwent surgery to his left arm – but what was performed was vastly different from what had originally been planned. Instead of the agreed-upon procedure to "straighten and lengthen" the left forearm with an Ilizarov frame, Mr Jabbar performed a "length neutral (or even shortening) correction with a plate, and joint distraction. This approach was later deemed “unacceptable” following an investigation by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) into Mr Jabbar’s practice.

The RCS report criticised Mr Jabbar's surgical technique, noting significant under-correction of the radial inclination and the lack of a clear plan for follow-up procedures.  His choices were considered highly questionable.

Complications and Consequences

Following the surgery, ‘G’ faced a series of complications, including persistent pain, nerve issues and worsening deformity. ‘G’ also developed a post-operative infection, which required removal of the metal pins in his arm. These problems required multiple additional surgeries and extended treatment, including bone grafting.

The RCS investigation concluded that 'G' had suffered "moderate harm" due to Mr Jabbar's actions, with the possibility of further deterioration and the need for more corrective procedures in the future. The findings also noted that Mr Jabbar failed to properly inform 'G' and their family about the significant changes made to the surgical plan – raising further concerns about professionalism, transparency and patient care.

The Devastating Impact

The consequences of Mr Jabbar's actions have been far-reaching and deeply damaging for Patient 'G'. Their left arm, which had previously undergone successful surgical correction at a young age, was now in a worse condition, with increased deformity, reduced function, and ongoing pain. Three years on, ‘G’ is still awaiting treatment to rectify the damage caused by Mr Jabbar.  The experiences have taken a significant toll on their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Wider Systemic Failures at GOSH

Unfortunately, this case is not an isolated incident, but part of a larger pattern of systemic issues within GOSH’s orthopaedic department. The RCS investigation revealed a "dysfunctional" team environment, marked by poor communication, a lack of collaboration, and hostility towards staff members who raised concerns.  The report also highlighted failures in the hospital’s leadership which ignored or downplayed warnings from staff, allowing Mr Jabbar’s harmful practices to go unchecked for years, ultimately leading to the harm of hundreds of young and vulnerable patients.

The Aftermath and Ongoing Legal Battle

In the wake of the RCS investigation, GOSH has launched a comprehensive review of the cases of 721 children treated by Mr Jabbar, with the hospital acknowledging the "serious concerns" raised and apologising to the affected families.

Georgina Wade, Solicitor at Tees is representing ‘G’ and his family in the pursuit of justice for the harm caused by Mr Jabbar’s negligence. Georgina is also representing a number of other families who have been affected.

The case of Patient 'G' and the broader issues at GOSH highlight the critical need for accountability and transparency within the medical profession. When there is a breakdown of trust, and patient safety is compromised, the consequences can be devastating – not only for the individuals and families directly affected, but also for the public's confidence in the healthcare system.

This case is one of several cases which serves as a call to action – healthcare providers must prioritise patient safety, foster a culture of openness, and swiftly address shortfalls in care when they occur. Only by committing to these values, can we protect vulnerable patients like 'G' and begin to rebuild and restore trust in the medical profession.

Solicitor Georgina Wade said: “As the family’s solicitor I am deeply troubled by the findings of the Royal College of Surgeons into the care provided to ‘G’ by Mr Jabbar. Both ‘G’ and his family trusted him; he was someone they believed to be a respected and experienced surgeon at one of the world’s leading children’s hospitals. He abused that trust and used his position of authority to perform a totally different surgical procedure to the one which was agreed to by ‘G’ and his family.

“Beyond Mr Jabbar’s worrying practices, the fact that he was allowed to continue treating children after concerns were raised about his practice also raises questions about the conduct of Great Ormond Street. As the extent of Mr Jabbar’s worrying practices now comes to light, I am shocked to see how many vulnerable children have been affected by his behaviour. One child coming to harm is one too many. ‘G’ and his family, along with all those affected by this deserve answers and accountability, as they will have to live with the consequences of the actions of both GOSH and Mr Jabbar for the rest of their lives.”

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Chat to the Author, Georgina Wade

Solicitor, Medical Negligence, Bishop's Stortford office

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