Legal separation

We can help you get a legal or judicial separation, to formally separate from your partner without getting divorced or ending your civil partnership.

Clare Pilsworth, Cambridge
Clare Pilsworth, divorce lawyer near me in Cambridge

What does it mean to mean to be legally separated?

Legal separation is a legal process that allows married couples to live apart without getting divorced or ending your civil partnership. If you get legally separated, you need either a deed of separation or a judicial separation.

What is the benefit of legal separation?

Legal separation can be an alternative to the formal process of divorce or ending your civil partnership. You might choose separation if: 

  • You have religious views which mean you can’t get divorced
  • You have been married for less than a year (you need to be married for at least a year to get divorced)
  • You’re not sure if you want to get divorced yet.

How much does a legal separation cost? 

Court fees for a legal separation are £365. If you need legal advice, you will also need to pay legal fees.

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We’re here to help

If you want a lawyer to take a closer look at your situation, our family and divorce lawyers are based in:

  • Cambridgeshire: Cambridge
  • Essex: Brentwood, Chelmsford, and Saffron Walden
  • Hertfordshire: Bishop's Stortford and Royston

But we can help you wherever you are in England and Wales.

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Separation FAQs

What is a deed of separation?

A deed of separation is a legal agreement that formalises the terms of your separation. They are usually used when parties separate but do not intend to divorce immediately.  A solicitor can help you make a deed of separation that covers important issues, such as your finances, property and children. You should be aware that separation agreements are not strictly binding in the same way as a commercial agreement, but a court may uphold their terms.  You should take advice from a solicitor if you think a separation agreement might be for you.

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What is a judicial separation?

A judicial separation is similar to a divorce but leaves you legally married. It is a formal separation which goes through the courts. A solicitor can help you apply for a judicial separation.

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