Insurance disputes

If you're going through a dispute with your insurance company, we can help you find a resolution - and recover your losses.

Sara Stabler, Cambridge
Sara Stabler, dispute resolution and litigation specialist in Cambridge

Insurance dispute solicitors: Expert legal advice

House insurance, travel insurance, pet insurance – we all spend hundreds of pounds a year to protect the things we value against disaster. So when the worst happens we’re covered and we can make a claim.

Sometimes insurance companies will say that they’re not liable to pay out in the particular circumstances of your case. When that happens, you’ll probably feel badly let down and angry. We’ve all heard people say ‘it’s not worth the paper it’s written on’. You’ll want to know if there’s anything you can do. That’s where we can help.

How we can help you

We’ve got a team of expert insurance lawyers who can advise you on your disputed insurance claim. We’ve worked with lots of clients over the years so we understand how you’re feeling. Unfortunately, we are unable to deal with car insurance claims under £10,000 however, you can take these disputes up with the Ombudsman here. If your claim is over £10,000 please do contact us and we can help you.

We look at every detail

We can take a close look at the small print for you and advise whether you can bring a claim against your insurance company to recover your losses. If you want us to, we’ll take your case up and, if need be, we’ll take legal action on your behalf.

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Recent successes for clients

We’ve successfully advised customers who’ve brought actions against their insurance companies to recover their losses in cases of:

  • damage by fire,
  • escape of water,
  • subsidence,
  • explosion
  • and by motor vehicles.

We’ve also advised customers in cases of personal injury and critical illness where the insurance company was arguing that it was not liable to pay out. 

What to do next

Whatever the nature of your claim, we are experts in insurance law – and at making sense of the small print. So give us a call for a confidential discussion and let’s talk about how we can help.

Our specialist lawyers are based in:

  • Cambridgeshire: Cambridge
  • Essex: Brentwood, Chelmsford, and Saffron Walden
  • Hertfordshire: Bishop's Stortford and Royston 

But we can help you wherever you are in England and Wales.

Call our specialist solicitors on 0808 231 1320

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