Can a school refuse entry to a child with SEN?

No, a school cannot refuse a child because they have SEN or a disability, if your child would have otherwise qualified for a place under the school’s admissions criteria. The School Admissions Code of Practice states that all young people and children with SEN must be treated fairly. The only grounds on which a mainstream school can refuse a child with SEN is where their needs or disabilities would interfere with the education of other children. If a school is named in Section 1 of a child’s EHCP, the school has a duty to admit that child.

Do schools get extra funding for children with SEN?

Schools are provided with additional funding for children with SEN to help meet their needs, which is known as their delegated budget. This roughly equates to up to £6,000 from their school per academic year.

Is it a legal requirement to have a SENco?

All mainstream schools are required to have a SENco (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) by law. In order to be a SENco in a mainstream school you must be qualified as a teacher and achieve a National award in Special Educational Needs Coordination within 3 years of taking up the SENco post. There is no requirement to have a SENco in a special school, however they may choose to employ someone to carry out the work a SENco would do. 

Legislation relating to Special Educational Needs

Starting with the most recent, here is a list of relevant legislation and guidance with links to the legislation online which you may find useful.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability COVID-19 (Amendment) Regulations 2020

SEN Code of Practice 2014

Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 – information re Education Health and Care (EHC) assessments

The Care Act 2014

The Equality Act 2010

Can I sue a UK hospital for pressure sores?

If you have suffered pressure sores as a result of medical negligence, whether you were a patient in a private hospital or NHS hospital, you may be entitled to claim compensation for the distress you have suffered.

Are hospitals responsible for bed sores?

Pressure sores can occur as a result of hospital negligence, if you are in hospital recovering from an illness or surgery the hospital should carry out a risk assessment. This allows the correct monitoring and preventative measures to be put in place.

How do I stop being taken to an employment tribunal?

Following these guidelines can help reduce the risk of an employment tribunal, although all situations are different; get specialist legal advice for your own situation.

  • make sure you use the right documentation such as employment contracts, job descriptions and policies and procedures in a staff handbook.
  • Follow the ACAS Code for disciplinary and grievance procedures and principles of best practice, ensuring you act promptly and consistently
  • Be mindful of employment rights, such as rights not to be discriminated against; some forms of discrimination are obvious, but others are less so. Ensure you have an equal opportunities policy
  • provide staff with ways to raise concerns early via grievance and whistleblowing policies and procedures
  • provide written feedback on staff performance 
  • follow your own procedures which should be written down and consistently applied as necessary to all staff
  • take action if you receive a complaint, by following due process promptly, and investigating it properly
  • be fair and reasonable at all times
  • keep a written record, to demonstrate that you have acted properly.

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How do I defend myself at an employment tribunal?
  • Stay calm and get specialist legal advice quickly; it’s probably best not to try to ‘go it alone’ without a lawyer, if the case is complex
  • Check whether you have any legal expense insurance – you will normally be responsible for your own costs regardless of the outcome
  • engage in the ACAS early conciliation process that all employees must follow before submitting a claim.  It aims to help people settle the argument without going to an employment tribunal. Meaningful negotiations can result in matters being settled without the need to go to tribunal (and avoiding the associated time and costs of going to trial)
  • you must acknowledge the claim and respond within the deadline which is usually 28 days
  • On the form you must complete the mandatory element of the response (the ET3 form), communicate all the facts, refer to everything the employee is claiming and be accurate about anything you write down, to resist the claim
  • collect written evidence such as notes form meetings, performance reviews etc.

What is an employment tribunal?

An employment tribunal is like a court, specifically for handling employment disputes where an employee is bringing a claim against his or her employer. It’s made up of a judge sitting alone or a panel of three people, one of whom will be a judge, who will be legally qualified in employment law; the other two are lay members – that is, not judges or lawyers by profession, although they will have experience in employment issues.  One will be an employee representative, and the other an employer representative. Some cases can be heard just by the judge.  Cases of discrimination must be heard by three judges. Although it’s not a requirement to have a lawyer represent you, most people choose to have legal representation.

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What is unfair dismissal?

For a dismissal from a job to be considered potentially fair it must be on a ground set out under section 98 of the Employment Rights Act:

  • redundancy
  • performance 
  • conduct
  • illegality
  • “some other substantial reason”.

For the dismissal to be fair it will often need to pass the test of being within the range of reasonable responses of an employer. The employer will need to follow an appropriate fair process to minimise the risks of a claim finding procedural unfairness. 

Sometimes the situation is such that it’s considered to be an automatic unfair dismissal. This would be when it relates to something where the employee is protected by law such as:

  • maternity/paternity leave
  • parental/adoption leave
  • asking to be paid the minimum wage
  • pregnancy
  • trade union activities
  • making a protected disclosure (i.e. whistleblowing).

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